SportsAbility 2022

Dania Beach Rover Adventure (Memorial Adaptive Sports & Recreation Program)

Come and experience an adaptive beach adventure at Dania beach with the Memorial Healthcare System's Adaptive Sports & Recreation Program and EcoRovers, the exciting new all-terrain mobility device.
There will be 2 all-terrain mobility devices available per timeslot. You are welcome to bring along as many companions who will not be using one of our all-terrain mobility devices as you would like, but please register in advance if possible.
We will have two additional Eco Rovers on site for short demonstrations to anyone interested in trying out and learning more about the Eco Rovers as an option for better accessibility to our Florida beaches.
SportsAbility Alliance is working to create a network of hubs that will be able to provide this functional, dependable, affordable and convenient recreational service to our residents and visitors of our wonderful beaches.
We invite everyone to check us out and give us your feedback and thoughts on the EcoRovers and our plan to expand the program. Come meet and visit with David Jones, Founder of SportsAbility, anytime during the event. No pre-reservation required.
Learn more about the Memorial Adaptive Sports & Recreation Program
You can find more information about the EcoRover at EcoRoverChairs.com
Dates & Locations
Friday, May 20 - from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm (30 minute timeslots, 2 EcoRovers available per timeslot) | Dania Beach, FL
Click the register button on this page to save your time slot.