
SportsAbility Alliance is proud of the many volunteers that come out each year to help people of all abilities. Whether you volunteer in-person or virtually, we want to thank you for your help. You are what make this program a success. We honestly couldn’t do it without you!

Quick Links
Virtual Opportunities  |  In-person Opportunities  |  Volunteer Orientation


Virtual Volunteer Opportunities

NOTE: For all content (videos, articles, etc.), please use People First Language.

Short Activity Videos (pre-recorded video)

This would entail submitting a short video leading a sport activity. The videos could be anywhere from 3 to 10 minutes and should demonstrate skills or drills for a particular sport or any recreational activity.

  • Verbally explain the activity as well as demonstrate it visually
  • Avoid using background music (to avoid copyright and voice clarity issues)
  • You may choose the sport or recreational activity, but topics must be approved PRIOR to video creation
  • Example video: https://www.facebook.com/188264871877/videos/691237925101358
Submit Activity Video


Workout Video (pre-recorded video)

Create a fitness routine including at-home adaptations and modifications for various disabilities.

Submit Workout video


Write an Article for Blog, Social Media or Newsletter

Topics may include items of interest for people of all abilities related to recreation and sport. This may include news, adventures, arts / hobbies, sports, or recreation assistive technology.

  • Articles should be at least 500 words (longer preferred)
  • Topics must be approved PRIOR to researching and writing
  • Examples may be found at https://www.sportsability.org/blog
Submit article


In-Person Volunteer Opportunities

SportsAbility Expo - April 25-26, 2025 Volunteers

We are in need of volunteers for our 2-day 2025 SportsAbility Expo in Tallahassee. Detailed volunteer information for each day of the event can be found here: SportsAbility Volunteer Instructions.

For those volunteering, please review the PowerPoint below to help prepare! Let us know if you have any questions. 

LEARN MORE ABOUT Sportsability expo

 Miracle Sports 

Thursday evenings from 6-8 PM in the Spring, Summer and Fall we hold Miracle Sports at our Miracle Field in Tallahassee. Volunteers get to play with our athletes providing encouragement and assistance as needed.

To volunteer, just register for Miracle Sports and select the volunteer option. 

Learn more about Miracle Sports


Volunteer Orientation

Whether you have volunteered with us in the past or you will be volunteering for the first time, this information will be helpful! It's only a few minutes long!


Some of our events and programs may be a hybrid program doing both virtual and live activities.
•    Volunteers will consult with their activity partner for details and training on their event.
•    Volunteers must comply with the SportsAbility Participant Safety Policies below.

Click here for Participant Safety Policies. These policies MUST be followed to participate in any way.

Three Minute Video of SportsAbility